Our technical capability covers most of the major technoplogies that could be required to best service our customer’s needs.
Geologists and Mining Engineers
Exploration geologists and mining engineers can at last use the same database. Think how much trouble that will save! Geologists can store exploration results directly into the database and use all the geo-statistical modelling tools available (up to 3D Kriging and variograms are options). Once the evaluation phase is completed, the mining engineer can design mining operations using the modern design tools. Few other packages offer such a comprehensive suite of options covering everything from initial geochemistry/geophysical sampling through to eventual reclamation of the mine site.

Survey data
This can be loaded directly into the TECHBASE database. Any one of the modelling tools can be used to represent the surface in a gridded format. Mathematically modelled contours can be manually altered to match actual conditions. Volumes can easily be extracted from any two surfaces whether modelled or digitised.
Reserve analysis
TECHBASE is the one stop package for the complete geostatistical reserve analysis. Everything from the basic histogram up to sophisticated 3D variograms and log-Kriging is offered. Analysts can use interactive tools for defining and isolating separate geological zones for accurate assessment. Variograms can be specified in any direction, and use a definable search cone: models are fitted interactively. Ore zones can be block modelled at any resolution – there is no limit, and any numeric variable can be modelled. For seam and layer deposits, a special layer table is available for minimising storage and accurate interpretation. Five different modelling options are available – triangulation, minimum curvature, polynomial fitting, inverse distance weighting (3D) and Kriging (3D). Composting is also part of the modelling package.

Mine design – Floating Cone
This option uses the familiar floating cone method of design. Its advantages are that it actually emulates the real mining sequence and so can be used to control scheduling and blending.
Lerchs Grossman for maximum profit
This is based on gaining the optimum pit design for maximum profit. Blending cannot be controlled so easily as the floating cone and scheduling becomes more difficult but it has other very obvious benefits.
Interactive mine design
An interactive option lets the engineer design and schedule the block modelled mine on a bench by bench basis. Revenues, tonnages, grades, stripping ratios can all be obtained through this program. It is extremely easy to use and allows the engineer instant results for the “what if” cases.
Seam / Panel mining
These options permit the design of cuts or panels and follow the actual mining process. As in all the other options, grades, tonnages, volumes, revenues can be reported.
ISS-OREBASE is a relational database with borehole printing facilities. A seamless interface, ISS-OREBASE allows BOREVIEW to provide integrated full screen graphics with lithological icons, construction and editing, and on-screen viewing of data prior to plotting of output. ISS-ORECAD is linked in a seamless manner to the seamless ISS-OREBASE database, and provides for on-screen sectional analysis, correlation and editing capabilities. The suite is interfaceable with AutoCAD, using both LSP routines and DX files, and data can also be exported to modelling, word processing, spreadsheet and DTP packages. The programs have been developed in South Africa in response to local demand, to meet the requirements of the South African Mining Industry.
AutoCAD is the world’s most widely used CAD and 2D & 3D modelling system. It provides the basic graphics tool for 3rd party software and natural extensions to ISS-BASECAD.
AutoCAD provides a powerful, seamless (GIS type) interface between peripheral data sources and AutoCAD, drawings. It uses a variety of query strategies, including SQL. This GIS capability is enclosed with AutoCAD MAP which includes a full GIS capability with AutoCAD.
Golden Software produces a suite of modelling, graphing and other technical software products. ISS & BGM have found two of their products, Surfer & Grapher to be very popular in South Africa. The products are versatile and technically sound, and are ideal for users who want to be personally in charge of the manipulation and presentation.